Former President of Ukraine and Verkhovna Rada deputy Petro Poroshenko announced on December 1 that he was not allowed to leave the country on a foreign business trip. The Security Service of Ukraine said that Poroshenko planned to meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and Russia was going to use this meeting against Ukraine.

“Therefore, the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada did not provide permission for a foreign business trip to the Ukrainian deputy, who was supposed to become an instrument in the hands of the Russian special services,” the department said in a statement.

Poroshenko said that the permission to go on a business trip was signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk. Later, Deputy Chairman of the Rada Alexander Kornienko said that it was he who canceled Poroshenko’s business trip on the basis of a letter, which he could not comment on.

The SBU said that intelligence had previously received information about “the preparation of provocations in the international arena by the Russian special services,” the main goal of which is “to reduce the support of foreign partners and try to split Ukrainian society from within,” as well as to encourage Ukrainian politicians to talk about the need for negotiations with Russia .

Among the plans of the Russian side, allegedly, is the involvement of “individual Ukrainian politicians during their trips to third countries.” “It is in this context that we can consider the information about the planned meeting of the head of the European Solidarity party P. Poroshenko with Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who systematically expresses an anti-Ukrainian position, is a “friend of Putin” and calls for the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation,” the statement said. SBU.

According to Petro Poroshenko, during his business trip he was going to hold meetings in Poland and the United States; he did not mention the meeting with Orban. After the SBU message appeared, the European Solidarity party, whose chairman is Poroshenko, stated that from December 1 to December 8, he had planned visits only to Poland and the United States, and not to Budapest.

“With one ridiculous decision, they hit both sides at once – they spat on Budapest and hit Washington. In this regard, we repeat: such actions are certainly an attack on the internal political unity in Ukraine. And most importantly, they openly harm our European integration.” “, the party said, adding that if Poroshenko had met with Orban, he would have tried to convince the Hungarian Prime Minister not to block the start of negotiations on accession to the EU.

Source : Currenttime

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