The Security Service of Ukraine claims that the Ukrainian authorities refused to release the former President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada deputy Petro Poroshenko, abroad, since the Russian special services planned to use his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for provocations against Ukraine.

According to the SBU, Russian intelligence services are preparing provocations against Ukraine in order to influence support for Kyiv from its allies and force Ukrainian politicians to say that negotiations with Moscow are necessary. The department said that Russia is going to involve pro-Russian politicians abroad, as well as Ukrainian politicians during their visits abroad, in provocations.

“According to the counterintelligence data received, it is in this context that information about the planned meeting of the Chairman of the European Solidarity Party Petro Poroshenko with Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who systematically expresses an anti-Ukrainian position, is a “friend of Putin” and calls for the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation, can be considered,” – reported the SBU.

The department added that the Verkhovna Rada canceled Poroshenko’s foreign business trip after the SBU invited the Ukrainian authorities to take into account information about the plans of the Russian Federation when organizing foreign business trips.

Petro Poroshenko  reported on December 1 that he was not allowed to leave the country on a foreign business trip. According to him, he planned to hold dozens of meetings in Poland and the United States. Poroshenko did not mention the meeting with Orban. The leadership of the Verkhovna Rada confirmed that it canceled Poroshenko’s foreign business trip after receiving a letter marked “For official use.” On December 2, Ukrainian border services did not release three Verkhovna Rada deputies from the opposition party “European Solidarity”, headed by Petro Poroshenko, from the country.

Source : Meduza

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