Our region, the South Caucasus, needs peace, which is a situation where all the countries of the region live with open borders, are connected by active economic, political, cultural ties, and have accumulated experience and tradition of solving all issues through tools of diplomacy and dialogue, Nikol Pashinyan, the  Prime Minister of Armenia, said in his speech at the 6th Paris Peace Forum on November 10.

To provide such a situation will be very difficult without reopening the transport communications, and taking this into account, the Government of the Republic of Armenia has presented the “Crossroads of Peace” project.

This is a plan to connect our regional countries, including Azerbaijan, Armenia and Türkiye, with railways, roads, cables, gas pipelines, power lines, or strengthen existing connections. As you know, at the moment we do not have any functioning road, nor any functioning railway, cable, pipeline or power line with either Turkey or Azerbaijan, and we propose to change this situation positively.

The “Crossroads of Peace” project will also bring benefits to Georgia and Iran, including bilateral, as well as in terms of strengthening ties with Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Armenia,” he said, concluding, ”Definitely we are in front of very important, let’s say historic crossroads.”

Source : News AM

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